Saturday, January 14, 2012

December 23-24_2011: Gunung Bromo

We were both up very early. An unspeakably wonderful morning together. Mornings with her are my alpha, and as luck would have it, evenings are my omega. Off in the blue taxi to the bus station. Rush through the crowd, and up on to the bus. Vendors, musicians, and music videos until we arrive in Probolinggo. Then it was a short hour drive in our own personal limo (i.e., large green minibus), up the mountain. The beautiful tilted landscape, filled with strategically placed agriculture. We weave back and forth, and my view changes every few minutes and then in some instances every few seconds. It almost seems that each moment I blink that I am somewhere new.

The hotel is quaint and comfortable, but then again, I would feel at home anywhere near her. We throw are things in the room, and then we are off for a better view. Fill the thermos with coffee (Noni already knows that coffee is my life line) and grab an amazing sandwich with fries. We tiptoe the volcanic ash covered ridge path, until we reach the worn wooden bench, that I saw in the distance. Noni lays out a blanket and we sit together, enjoying the view, and the whispering of the wind. The fog roles in and blankets us, and everything around us. For a moment, Noni is the only color in a black and white world. It makes me realize that she has metaphorically become the color in my black and white world. Don't make me tiptoe back along that narrow path, let me stay here with her forever.

As all dreams must end, we head back to the hotel, before the rain falls. However, when one dream ends, another begins. The dropping of the rain, the cold wind, and the comfort of having her near. We fall asleep at an unspeakable hour.       

 Again, we are up early. The darkness, the cold, the excitement to see the sunrise atop the volcano. Our red jeep is waiting and we embark on an amazing adventure. We walk along the barren landscape, until we reach our ascent. There are already vendors waiting to sell coffee and snacks to visitors. A group of Javanese locals approach and offer us tiny horses for our walk, but we walk on. A little ways up the mountain, Noni stops at one of the vendors, she wishes to wait for me there. I grab the camera, and then I am briskly off up the mountain again. The steep ascent leaves me breathless, but it is nothing compared to the loss of breath that I experience upon seeing the view at the pinnacle of the volcano. The sun over the mountains, the low lying fog covering the dark ash floor, the perfect silence.

I can see her from the top of the mountain, sitting there patiently waiting for me. Despite the great view that I had before me, all that I could think was that I needed to be near her. That no matter how much beauty that I have in front of me to look at, it will never be the same without her by my side. I descend the mountain, and am greeted by her warm smile. We sit and watch the passers by, and I wouldn't change this moment for anything. Don't move, don't breath.

We again head out in our red jeep. Back across the openness, past that single tree that I missed in the darkness of the morning. We are surrounded first by grass covered mountains, and then mountains of nothing. The views are both unspeakably beautiful, yet for different reasons. Now thinking about it, it's ironic that I am speaking about them. There are others coming and going, but this place, us together, makes it our own empty and open paradise.

Up again to the hotel. We quickly pack, and then finally have a relaxing breakfast.

Back to reality, back to the hustle and bustle. A packed green minibus, a large bus, and a blue taxi. We are back in Surabaya, but not empty handed. We will always have those small rectangles that inhabit our cameras, and most importantly our thoughts.

Thank you for sharing this place with me!!!!


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