Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Reminiscing - A Strole Down Memory Lane

Noni and I are usually not lacking on things to talk about during our daily telephone conversations. One topic, however, has not really appeared extensively in our discussions, and that is our past as children. Nevertheless, that is where we found ourselves a few days ago, laughing and talking about the past.

I loved hearing about Noni’s childhood, and could tell that she enjoyed remembering all those past events that had transpired. I pictured her sitting in her room smiling, being transported back to a time when everything was just simpler. I could also tell that she had a wonderful childhood, filled with people and places that held her close, comforting and supporting her along her way to becoming the beautiful woman that she is today. 

I too found myself remembering those times when I did not worry about what the future held, but was only happy to be living that moment. I too remembered people, places, and events that have been long removed from my daily life, but have figured prominently in my development.

I’ve decided that I need more reminiscing in my life. Just as those moments filled me with happiness when I lived them, they again entered my life to fill me with happiness upon remembering them. We must all remember that what we have stored away in our distant memories is a powerful mechanism, capable of making us feel the warmth of those things, people, and places from our past. Just as I and Noni have been blessed to have such wonderful people in our past and present lives, I yearn to be a remembered presence in the lives of those that I love and will come to love in the future. Lastly, Noni thank you for opening up your past to me and sharing with me all that you hold dear to you.    


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