Friday, January 13, 2012

Forest Boy Loves City Girl


Dearest Noni,

I wanted to call and/or sms you so bad today, but there was so much rain all morning and afternoon that I was unable to leave camp. Days like these are torture for me, because I have to sit around camp with little to do. The majority of my time is spent thinking and re-evaluating. With you back in my life, it is only you that creeps into my thoughts, all else seems like clouded details. I ponder the excitement of our new love, the longing that I have to be together with you, and the plans of our not so distant future together. Today I have caught myself staring at the river, in a different world, a world where you are everywhere. I hate coming back to reality and realizing that I am still in the forest, and you are nowhere in sight. Days in the forest are usually pain and punishment, but with you in my life, happiness and excitement are ever present. I made this short “poem” for you, as I am not sure you know how important it is to have you in my life, and how important you are to me. I know it’s only small thanks for such a large amount of help, and for that I am sorry. I only hope that someday I will be able to truly thank you.   

Forest boy loves city girl:

He wakes up at some time earlier than most people and animals. [1] Makes some coffee for himself, and waits for the sun to rise and finally bring some heat to the cold lonely forest. [1] Breakfast comes quickly. [1] Then, it’s back to his pondok to pack his gear and change into his wet rain-soaked clothes, before he finally heads off to the green world that he has recently called home. [1] Walking, waiting, and watching for that which he is searching. [1] If found, following, observing, and writing. [1] Everything, to the smallest detail. [1] Never breaking, never resting. [1] He fears that he might miss something, or worse yet, he might lose his subject in the dense green canopy overhead. [1] Rain or shine, he’s out amongst the tangled wet leaves of the forest understorey. [1] Ever concerned with what’s above, looking below only to make sure of his footing. [1] If allowed, he’ll follow his subject until they’ve had enough for the day. [1] Its only then that he gets his first chance to sit and rest. [1] Then it’s back to camp, back to his small empty wooden pondok, back to almost nothing at all. [1] He showers in the cold river, he rests, and when it comes time to eat, he eats. [1] Things move slowly in camp, as if all the clocks were working against him. [1] Later in the evening, albeit early for most people, it’s time to head to sleep. [1] Thinking and reading. [1] Eye lids heavy, becoming heavier still with every waking minute. [1] Sleep finally comes as he surrenders to his thoughts, the exhaustion from the day, and the rolling river that passes by his lone pondok. [1]

If only read in this way, you’d find him an empty sole. But for the moment, re-read his story and replace every occurrence of [1] with…Dreams of his one true love…, and you’ll find that his mind is racing in a beautiful world. The emptiness of the forest if filled by his love for her and her love for him. Even though she’s in the big city, she’s in his heart now and always, providing him warmth when it’s cold, shelter from the many storms, and a true friend when he is lonely. He may be a forest boy, but his heart, mind, and sole are with his city girl.

Thank you for filling my life with love and happiness.

With love, now and forever more,

Your forest boy     


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